Under operation of quite clear and accurate dot alignment under night vision illumination work fields, without the use of formal manual or mechanical dot measuring device, it is not an easy job for users until selecting a long wavelength made 980nm infrared laser diode module. It is projecting invisible infrared laser beam from beam aperture, which should not be used separately. Only if this infrared dot laser is workable as an accessory part of night vision device, such as a CCD camera, black and white camera or infrared laser camera, after correct selection of output power, this infrared laser device would be workable with highly clear and accurate IR dot projection in distance effectively.
The design of 980nm infrared laser diode module is different from any visible laser devices. It is emitting totally invisible infrared laser light from beam aperture. However, under operation with a night vision device, it is workable with highly clear IR reference dot projection for night vision fields, such as military targeting, surveillance, intelligence system and laser therapy works etc. In order to get highly clear infrared laser dot projection, it is also getting wide range output power within 100mW to 500mW. When it is getting up to 80% photoelectric ability, after generating the most intense and powerful infrared laser light from beam aperture, this infrared dot laser will make highly clear and accurate infrared dot projection as long as 100 meters to 1000 meters in distance.
In order to get clear enough dot projection under night vision illumination work fields, 980nm infrared laser diode module employs qualified glass coated lens. It is keeping quite high laser beam transmittance. After a series of strict beam stability tests, including up to 24 hours aging preventing test and 24 hours beam stability test, this alignment laser is just keeping work with highly stable infrared dot projection in distance.
During the production of 980nm infrared laser diode module, it is designed with focused distance at 10cm, which can be adjusted on basis of users’ need. Whatever kind of output power it is selected, it is generating invisible infrared laser light to human eyes, which might bring hurt and damage caused by potential danger form intense infrared laser light. In process of continuous infrared laser dot alignment work, users should pay special attention to powerful IR light and wear 980nm wavelength preventing laser safety goggles until achieving highly secured and accurate IR dot positioning result perfectly.