Under quite special work fields of night vision illumination work fields, it is quite hard work to make clear dot alignment under such working condition. However, there is never an end for laser tech engineer to develop the most practically used laser device, thus it should be super great technical innovation for users to develop a long wavelength made 808nm infrared laser diode module. It is projecting invisible IR laser beam and IR laser dot from beam aperture. After special use of night vision device, this infrared dot laser is obtaining highly clear and accurate IR dot positioning result immediately.
When dot alignment is processed under night vision work fields, 808nm infrared laser diode module is used for quite special work fields of military targeting, surveillance and intelligence system, it would be used at quite long work distance. It is employing 808nm IR laser diode within 5mW to 400mW, under operation with quite high photoelectric ability and quite high laser beam transmittance, this infrared dot laser is always keeping highly clear IR dot generation at quite long work distance. Formal low power IR laser is used within 50 meters, and high power IR laser alignment is processed at quite long distance of 100 to 1000 meters.
According to quite special design with qualified glass coated lens and quite strict laser beam stability tests up to 24 hours, 808nm infrared laser diode module is keeping work with highly clear IR dot generation at quite long work distance, without any worrying about laser light decay or dim in continuous work. In order to make sure of the most accurate IR dot projection, the front part of laser beam aperture allows quite adjustable beam focus. After quite intense IR laser light concentration, this infrared dot laser achieves the most precise IR dot positioning result in distance immediately.
Under special use of laser alignment mounting bracket and quite specially designed electric wires extension for both 808nm infrared laser diode module and DC input power supply, it is allowing freely installed distance within 3 meters, and then generating the most accurate IR dot positioning on any targeting surface. No matter what kind of output power it is selected, human eyes cannot capture any IR laser light at all. During the whole process of continuous IR dot projection, it is a key issue to wear professional infrared laser safety goggles and avoiding direct eye exposure to beam aperture, this alignment laser can achieves no mistake and no security IR dot alignment constantly.