If users are not much sure of how to make clear enough dot projection under night vision work fields, it is also not helpful at all to think of those of visible laser devices or other manual dot measuring device. Nothing can be observing by human eyes directly. However, there is never an end for laser tech engineer to develop advanced IR laser device. The creation of 808nm 100mW infrared laser diode module is playing different role for any night vision dot alignment works. When this infrared dot laser gets proper use with night vision device, it is able to work with super intense IR laser beam emission and highly clear IR dot alignment in distance.
This 808nm infrared laser diode module is not the same as a visible laser device. None of IR laser beam nor IR laser dot can be observing by human eyes directly. This IR dot laser is always operating as an accessory part. When it is gets excellent use of 808nm infrared laser diode with import laser tech, after production into a real dot aligning device, it is not only generating high photoelectric ability IR laser light up to 80%, but also gets at least 40% beam stability improvement in continuous use.
Whatever kind of night vision dot aligning work fields, 808nm infrared laser diode module adopts the most durable aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube and inner copper made IR laser diode core part. Even though IR laser dot alignment is processing under quite complex working environments, it gets super nice thermal emitting and stabilized performance under any harsh occasion of mechanical shocking or moving etc. In a lot of night vision dot alignment application fields, such as military targeting, laser medical therapy, surveillance or night hunting, this infrared dot laser is accepting wide range operating temperature and keeping the most stable IR dot projection in continuous use.
Any time 808nm 100mW infrared laser diode module is projecting intense IR laser light and IR dot in distance, it is also projecting intense thermal energy. The special use of APC, ACC driving circuit board is protecting alignment laser from any possibility of tube temperature increasing and serious electric current impact. In formal IR dot alignment work, only if it is keeping work within 8 to 10 hours per day, after efficient thermal emitting, this IR dot laser keeps work with excellent laser light cycling use and extremely clear dot alignment in constant use. If users are aware of any intense IR laser radiation and reflection, only after proper wearing of IR laser safety goggles, it makes high security and high precision dot alignment constantly.